Sunday, June 8, 2008

Recycle, doing my part.

I called this recycle because I purchased something at Starbucks today. No, I am not affiliated to, work for or promote Starbucks. I don't think that a multi-billion dollar company needs this blogger's help.

But why am I posting about this? Well, let us say that Starbucks sells 1,000,000 plastic cubs of Iced Mocha. Now, let us put those 1 million cups in a land fill. Plastics can take thousands of years to break down but are not biodegradable. If they are, please direct me to the site that says so. Starbucks is the #1 coffee supplier, at least to my taste buds and the taste buds of my co-workers, that is about 400 of us. So you can imagine the unsurmountable amount of plastics that go into our land fills. Now, the 1 million cup number is for the United States. Starbucks is a worldwide company, imagine the numbers now.

So, if you have read my posts on this blog, you can deduct that I am about conservation and saving our earth. So I bought this hard plastic cup at Starbucks today. I have actually been looking for a cup like this since purchasing my hot coffee one months ago. What do I like about this cup? I can use it over, over, over and over again. There is no damaging the environment, other than the production of the cup, every time I go buy a Grande Iced Skinny Mocha.

So, what are you doing to help out? It may not seem like much, but every bit counts. A cup a day, keeps the landfill a little emptier. Let me know what you are doing to help out mother nature. As you know, we Americans are the most wasteful people on earth.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TweetupLA 2

This is my after tweetupla post. I do have to say that I did have fun. I was nervous at first, but after a few minutes I settled into myself.

The entire night was full of conversation and everyone talking about everything from Baseball to Linux! It was a conversation that left me in awe. I thought we would only talk technology and that made me nervous since I am not a tech guru. I know some stuff, but nothing like some of the twits I follow. So to hear some baseball, politics and food, it put me at ease for sure.

I cannot put into words how great of a night it was. The night was entirely full of laughter. It was almost as if we knew each other. I know it is different knowing someone on twitter and RL but it really isn't. What they are on twitter is what you get in RL. I met some aspiring actresses, @demca and @querzny. Then I met the twittertini sisters, @IBTerri and @Wiggly_Lisa. OMG with these two. It was so awesome getting to know them IRL because we have so much fun on twitter. Meeting them was one of the highlights of the tweetupla.

I am not saying that meeting @rissadee wasn't as exciting. She is a great conversationalist and loves Obama. We matched up like oil and water! (FYI, I dislike Obama like the plague.) But she has interesting topics and a very cool @ pics from the tweetup!!! Likewise, I saw @BrooklynBeast again. BTW Beast, I have not forgotten your tequila, I will get it to you soon. Getting to see the first tweetup bud was nice. He even flew all the way from NYC to just to be there, it was great.

So many twits and tweetple that I can't mention all of them! But I do have to recognize @gregbarnett! He and @demca set this baby up and they did one hell of a job. Very well organized with much to drink and eat. Plus, the Studio Bar is a very nice place to hold a party like that. The tweetupla was going to be streamed but @scarab couldn't get the stream to load up. I guess you all had to eat what we tweeted.

I do have to say, tweetupla set a high standard for all future tweetups! BTW, the bartender that @gregbarnett hired was da shiznit!!! She could mix a drink with seaweater and kelp and make it taste good. Yes tweeple, she was that good!!!

Look around the net for other posts and Flikr posts that some may have put up!