Saturday, December 20, 2008

Weightloss update.

I weighed in at the Dr's office on the 17th of December. I was dissapointed to see that I had only lost 2 lbs. I saw that my overall weight was 297.5 lbs down from 299.5lbs.

When I get weighed it is not some old fashoined scale. This is a special computerized scale. Not only can it tell your weight but it can tell you where you weight is.

The nutrionist comes in and we beging to talk about my meals, excercise and such. I was anxious for us to get to the weight part. Then I just told her. I only lost two lbs and I was dissapointed.

She began by pulling out the strip of receipt paper that the scale spewed out. It read the follow facts: I had lost 2lbs of overall weight, 12.5lbs of fat weight and gained 10 of "other" weight.

This was excellent news for me. Eventhough I didn't lose a lot of overall weight, I did lose 12.5lbs of fat. I have been swimming and weight lifting so I know I am eating the correct foods and getting the right amount of excercise.

So, that is my monthly update.

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